Fading In and Out

The heart said: go ahead, speak and bare this soul.
There is a feeling hidden deep inside me. It comes out as I type the words that I sense they are.  As my eyes read them, tears of tenderness start rolling down my cheeks. When my lips speak them out loud, my ears let my heart listen to what the soul has just said and the heart rejoices.  The translation of the feeling of my soul may not be exact but the heart knows it’s full of love anyway and it is grateful to have me as a conduit of their communication.  My heart says, “It is perfect! Now go out and tell the world how much we love each other.”
As they both communicate, I fade away, as they both communicate, I fade away…
This article is the property of Mariela Siwarqinti. No one may alter and/or reproduce it in any way without the express written permission of Mariela Siwarqinti.