Bask in the Love you Give.

Dedicated to all Mothers and Givers.

I was asked once, “What is the biggest distress of a mother?”

Without missing a beat I said, “Losing your own child”

I knew this person was referring to the daily tasks a mother goes through to care for a child but the truth is that none of them can compare to the agony that is losing your own child.

I even got teary after giving that answer because even though I have never lost a child, the Empath in me was tapping into the pain and suffering of all the mothers who have been in that situation and my intention in writing this today, is to make you notice how much love and care mothers and givers are capable of.

I know a mother who lost a child, but every year on his birthday she cooks her son’s favorite meal for the family and she puts up a flag outside the house displaying the musical instrument her son played. She lost her son when he was in high school.

I know this other mother who visited the grave of his son at the same time it would have been her son’s high school graduation and brought him a “congratulations on your graduation” balloon to decorate his grave. She lost her son only when he was a few months old.

What do these two mothers have in common besides experiencing the loss of a child?
They are still giving.

Why are they still giving?
Because they still care.

Why do they still care?
Because LOVE has never left their Heart.

If you are a woman and specially, if you are a mother, I want you to consciously notice how much you truly give and I want you to notice how and why you give because knowing this will liberate you from ever feeling depleted, neglected, unappreciated, unloved and even impoverished.

I believe in awakening and liberation from our own shortcomings and every experience we encounter hold a key for that liberation. We are always a step closer to that full awakening and we find freedom one breakthrough at a time.

First, I want you to see how much you are giving because of what the mind tells you:
You have to give because it is your responsibility
You have to give because you are a wife
You have to give because you are a daughter
You have to give because you accepted this job
You have to give because you signed a contract
You have to give because no one else wants to help
You have to give because everyone else is busy…etc.

There are many reasons the mind will come up with that sounds very logical, reasonable and true, but the mind will only go as deep as something making sense. The mind doesn’t sail in uncharted waters because it is not safe. It is not until an intense experience happens in our lives that we are forced to take the mind deeper to get new meaning, new understanding, new beliefs and habits that will transform us.

The mind is active and always working and most people notice the mind but don’t know that there is something deeper that moves their live that is also always active and working, but needs to be noticed so that you know it is real. That is your SOUL.

You may have all your reasons to be a giver and people may agree they are true, but I want you to know that the real impulse that makes you give is because you CARE and because you LOVE and you don’t really need a reason for that. Caring and Loving are embedded in your Soul. This is why a mother who has lost a child keeps giving to a child that is no longer in this world because if you think about it, that does not makes sense. And the mind will try to make reasons for it to make sense, so it will say things like: “Well, she is still grieving”, “She is still healing”, “She is working through a trauma”. Like, I said, these can very much be true, but none of them bring true healing.

What is going to bring you true healing is knowing that YOU GIVE BECAUSE CARING AND LOVING IS EMBEDDED IN YOUR SOUL.

And the second most important message I want to give you, is that this is not ordinary Love. This is not love that comes from you, but this is Love that comes THROUGH YOU from a never-ending well of abundant LOVE AND JOY!

So, the next time you give, I don’t want you to do it just from your sense of responsibility.

The next time you give, I want you to notice giving ALSO from your Heart and Soul.

I want you to notice that you are made of goodness.

I want you to notice how much you care and how much you love.

I want you to notice the energy of Love, flowing through you when you are giving,

And most importantly, the next time you give, I want you to step into this flow of Love that is coming through your Heart and Soul and ALSO RECEIVE IT.

This is the key you were missing. ?

It is possible to receive what you give when you put conscious attention to the deeper layer of why this giving is happening.?

Your giving moves through you abundant and infinite Love that does not change its form because the product of that giving is also Love. It goes from Love to Love. Your giving has Love that helps heal, nourish, replenish, encourages, expands and liberates and you can be a conscious participant in basking in its flow. By doing this you also open your ability to receive and feel worthy of more, which will make you abundant in every sense of the word including financially because being open to receive is what is needed to take advantage of all the great opportunities the Universe has available.

Many women who are givers have such a hard time receiving and this practice can put an end to that.

Women are a well of Love. We are sacred because we care for our creation and we are capable of loving that creation unconditionally. Please know that you are worthy of the same care and love you provide to others and you have the power to give it to yourself as well.

Bask in this Divine Love. Feel the abundance of the Love that comes through you. There is so much more that wants to come into your life and I am here to encourage and support your healing, growth and expansion into receiving and being more. So if you need support with this practice, book a session to begin creating your personal strategy.

This article is the property of Mariela Siwarqinti. No one may alter and/or reproduce it in any way without the express written permission of Mariela Siwarqinti.

Mariela Siwarqinti

Empath Intuitive Spiritual Guide

[email protected]


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