The Inner Critic

We can be too hard on ourselves becoming our own negative inner critic.

Something I learned from my experiences as a healer is that the subconscious mind does not know how to discern. That is the job of the conscious mind, and we must train it to do so. The subconscious mind records automatically based on repetition of experiences and then just runs what was programmed there.

Situations we encounter triggers us to hit the play button of an specific programming and if we have not trained our conscious mind how to discern, the subconscious mind will just run the whole show. When we engage a with a well-discerning conscious mind we can stop ourselves from repeating patterns of behavior that could be unhealthy.

Something that helps me tremendously is to separate myself into different parts. Truly, we are composed by many, many elements. Our cells, organs, emotions, conscious, subconscious, soul… “Many are One and One are Many” It is actually a Buddhist approach. It helps because you can notice in your body how there is a part of you judging you but there is another part of who who suffers because of this self-judgment AND there is even a BIGGER part of you who knows the Judge is wrong!

Do not need to continue to be at war with yourself.

You do not need to defend yourself from the inner judge and you do not have to fight back or attack it either. The great news I want to share with you is that the judge inside you was never originally a judge. It was just assigned that role by the repetitive patters of judgment you experienced in your early life.

However, remember, when the judge in the courtroom goes home, he stops being the judge and becomes someone else. In the same manner, that part in us that was assigned as the inner judge has a more pure origin. It is this purity that we should seek to discover.

We can actually disarm and return the inner critic to it’s purity by recognizing it is present and becoming consciously lighter with ourselves. Adopting a more kind, gentle and if possible, doing the opposite of what it is suggesting so that we stop punishing or abusing ourselves. With that we start sending the message to that part of ourselves to be itself, its true self.

It is even possible to consciously be its best friend.

Love it, instead of blaming, like that best friend in our childhood. Acknowledge its presence and just hang out with it. With the constant practice of taking it off duty, you will discover its true purpose and gift for your life. You will actually get to know a more free version of yourself. Imagine the relief and peace in that!

Book your session online today to gain insight into how you can master your inner critic.

Learn more about mastering the inner critic.

This article is the property of Mariela Siwarqinti. No one may alter and/or reproduce it in any way without the express written permission of Mariela Siwarqinti.

Mariela Siwarqinti | Empath Intuitive Spiritual Guide

[email protected]


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