There is more from where that came from. A lot more!

I know the fear and desperation of not having enough money after rebuilding my life from less than zero following a difficult separation and divorce.

No job?
Credit card debt?
Without health insurance?
No family close by for support?
Lack of money for lawyers and losing in court?
Bad credit?

Dealing with anxiety and depression from everything going wrong?

The world for me went upside down and I did not know what to do to pay rent or feed myself. I ran out of ideas and had a lot of shame.

You know that feeling when it seems like everyone wants money from you but you don’t even have enough for yourself? Yes, I was there. I felt the fear of not having enough and the intimidation of what they would do to me if I didn’t pay.

It was hard to rebuild my life. Not just the financial part but the sense of worth!

You may work as hard as you physically and mentally can to sustain yourself but the triggers that mess with your emotions are still there.

Every time…

You get a bill.
Your car makes a strange noise.
An extra expense you were not counting on occurs.
You get sick and need medical attention.

Triggers can shift your emotional state and bring back the same fears of “I don’t have enough” AND unconsciously you can confuse “I don’t have enough” with “I am not enough.”

Well, I am here to tell you, that I learned there is more than enough AND you are more than enough! Even at my worst, I work at my best. Never giving up and overcoming fear.

The best way to overcome it is by going THROUGH it.

Something very important I learned from following my own Spiritual guidance, is that the person who starts the journey never knows that there are treasures at the end of the tunnel. Even if they did, they would not know what to do with them because they are meant for the person who took the journey and transformed along the way. That transformation is what makes you recognize, appreciate and use those treasures for your future advancement.

The person at the beginning of the journey is just too naïve to know what they are for. Only the person who overcomes knows how to make good use of those treasures.

Going back to fear of not having enough, consider this, for a moment: Imagine a couple mosquitoes flying around you ready to feast on your blood. Of course you may try to get away from them or try to make them go away or even stress yourself trying to swat them until you kill them. You don’t want them to take from your blood and deal with the annoyance of the itchiness for days to come.

Now think of this. These are only two mosquitoes and each will take only one blood drop from your whole bloodstream, only two blood drops. That’s all. You need to know that your circulatory system is constantly REGENERATING new blood cells, renewing and restoring your body. So this is exactly how we act with money. We feel upset that we have to pay for something and forget to focus on the fact that we are not just what we perceive we have but that we are always in a state of flux.

There is a constant regeneration of more just like our circulatory system. We can tap into that abundance at anytime!

The biggest fear I had related to money was that I thought people were trying to take away the little bit I perceived I had. I only put focus on that small detail of life and ignored the larger Truth that the Universe is Infinitely Abundant. By walking this journey guided by my Spirit and revelations, I was able to REFOCUS my attention on how abundant we truly are in order to see the many tangible opportunities around me to bring more money and wellness into my life. That has been one of my journeys and I believe healing is available for everyone.

You too can take the focus out of the pain and trauma to truly heal, transform and elevate your life and the lives of your loved ones!

Our journeys are beautiful, there are no shortcuts but there is support available in the physical and non-physical world and I have put together effective practices to fully support your transformation. Whether you are at the beginning of the journey or stuck in the middle of it, we can take a look at the next steps your Soul is ready to take.

Simply book a session to start restoring your life into true Love, Abundance and Peace.

Mosquito painter, Mr. Manop Rattanarithikul

This article is the property of Mariela Siwarqinti. No one may alter and/or reproduce it in any way without the express written permission of Mariela Siwarqinti.

Mariela Siwarqinti | Empath Intuitive Spiritual Guide

[email protected]


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