About ashley

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So far ashley has created 68 blog entries.

Too much Doing, not enough Being – A lesson from the Inner Child

Too much Doing, not enough Being – A lesson from the Inner Child My Heart said: “Follow me” I said: “Do you know where you are going?” Heart: “No, but I know the one who knows The Way” Today, this lady I hardly know but is always very nice, came to [...]

2020-08-05T16:56:45+00:00May 25th, 2017|Tags: , , , , |

The Guiding Light of Compassion

The Guiding Light of Compassion Compassion is guilt that has been released of all judgment. So forgive yourself often to release all judgment and liberate yourself from guilt.  Experience full compassion.  Experience your innocence.  Acts of kindness will follow. My Ancestors came this morning and said: “We would like a word [...]

2020-08-05T16:59:56+00:00May 16th, 2017|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Organic…. Feeling the human in me

Organic.... Feeling the human in me There is a Heart that beats with harmonious rhythm. There is a mind that thinks in subtle patterns. There is an energy that is connected to an electrifying life force. In the middle of it, I AM an organic machine that loves, thinks and feels. [...]

2020-08-06T15:25:25+00:00April 9th, 2017|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Three simple elements of Success

Three simple elements of Success Your talent. The opportunities you are able to notice. The people who help you achieve them. It is not just you. You did not just get a lucky break. People didn’t just put it on your lap. There are three elements and it is healthy to [...]

2020-08-06T15:27:58+00:00March 13th, 2017|Tags: , , , , , , |

Healing Fear and Self-Sabotage

Healing Fear and Self-Sabotage Sabotage comes from deep within our subconscious,  so deep that we may not even know we are sabotaging ourselves and may look like it is others who are sabotaging our efforts. The reason for self-sabotage is always the same: Fear, and recognizing the types of fear and [...]

2020-08-06T15:31:24+00:00December 11th, 2016|Tags: , , , , , , , , |
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