The Enlightened Being

The Enlightened Being 8/25/2014 (New Moon) Again, something amazing happened so that I can receive a clear message. This past few days I had high emotions and I had plans today that did not materialize because I was not feeling well. I decided to take a nap, but when I woke [...]

2020-08-13T13:54:16+00:00November 23rd, 2014|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Family Ties

Family Ties 10/19/2014 When a family member that has been a pillar or core component in the family tree transcends this realm, everybody else in the family tree moves places like board-game pieces, with someone taking the place of the person who transcended and everyone else taking another position in the [...]

Remedy Water

Remedy Water 7/7/2012 Every night when I was little, my mom used to make herbal teas to drink after dinner.  Although, in our hometown, we do not call it tea, we call it "Aguita de Remedio" which translates to "Remedy Water".  Back then, I did not give it a lot of thought [...]

2020-08-13T13:59:21+00:00September 25th, 2014|
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