What To Do at The Heart of Social Distancing?

What To Do at The Heart of Social Distancing? Hang in there. None of us have lived this before. We are used to doing so much and marching at the beat of other people’s drums. We are used to being busy and now there isn’t much to do so we can [...]

2023-04-09T16:28:36+00:00April 21st, 2020|Tags: , , , , |

Overcoming Loss is Always Possible

Overcoming Loss is Always Possible Every time we overcome a loss, we change our karma. It means that life opens up to shows us different possibilities to choose from. Possibilities that were not available before because we were so dependent or attached to the person or object we used to have [...]

2023-04-09T16:27:55+00:00April 9th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , |

Your Future Is Brighter Than The Fears From Your Past

Your Future Is Brighter Than The Fears From Your Past The Universe said to me: "Your hands create only what your mind can conceive. You may plant a flower in a pot only until your mind is ready to plant a garden. So, what stops you from gardening the whole world [...]

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